Newton Fire Headquarters; Newton, MA
Rebecca Przepiora2019-11-11T15:42:18-05:00Winner of a 2019 Silver Award from F.I.E.R.O Fire Station Design Symposium This [...]
Holden Public Safety Facility; Holden, MA
Rebecca Przepiora2022-03-31T10:39:55-04:00Winner of the 2011 Bronze Award with the Station Style Awards from Fire Chief Ma [...]
Slingerlands Fire District, Station No. 1; NY
Rebecca Przepiora2022-03-31T10:39:55-04:00Winner of a 2018 Notable Design Award from Firehouse Magazine The Slingerlands V [...]
Skaneateles Fire Station; Skaneateles, NY
Rebecca Przepiora2022-03-31T10:39:55-04:00Winner of a 2008 Notable Design Award from Fire Chief Magazine This 15,160 sq. f [...]