Project Description

Mitchell Associates Architects provided a comprehensive study and analysis of existing conditions and future needs of the Town of Poughkeepsie’s Town Hall, Police, Court, Fire Stations, Auto Center, and Storage facilities. Based on the analysis, Mitchell Associates made recommendations about how to best move forward with respect to renovating existing facilities, building new, combining facilities, and where a suitable location of a new combined facility might be.

Mitchell Associates’ study evaluated:

  • An inventory and detailed descriptions of the functionality and conditions of current facilities;
  • Projections of the future Town and Fire District population and service needs;
  • Analysis of current and future space needs;
  • Response time and buildability evaluation of prospective locations for a new consolidated facility;
  • Site design for a selected site;
  • An Initial Environmental Assessment Form (EAF) for future SEQRA filing;
  • Conceptual design for the new consolidated facility based on programming needs and constraints of the selected site;
  • Preliminary cost analysis; and
  • Funding debt model for the proposed capital project